Accomplished in 2022-2023

  • Provided funding to Geneseo and Colona school districts. 
  • Hosted 1st annual Guardian Angels Charity event. 
  • Became a 501(c)(3) Organization. 
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Goals 2025

  • Enhance awareness
  • Distribute to more individuals in need.  
  • Build a volunteer committee 

Alex's Story

Guardian Angels Fund is a new local fund that was developed to contribute to children of District 228 that are unable to participate in classroom celebrations such as their birthday, Valentine’s Day, book fair and any other special occasion special occasions throughout the school year.  

Guardian Angels Fund was established November 2021 to live out a dream of mine and Trevor Schefsky’s to help others. Trevor and I grew up together and were best friends. We were also in confirmation together and attended youth gatherings. One of our gatherings was in Detroit, Michigan. Our service was cleaning up the streets to make it safe for the children to play. We cleaned up broken glass off the roads and I remember parents thanking us because we made it a safer area for their children to play. Even though we were in 8th grade at the time it was really touching to see how we made a difference. Trevor and I had plans to attend college together to obtain a degree in Law Enforcement. Helping others was what we wanted to do. Trevor had a rare genetic disease called DADA 2. He went to Cincinnati’s Children Hospital March of 2017.  During his stay he went through 3 different rounds of chemo prior to having 3 bone marrow transplants. The first two did not take and the third one did. Complications arose when Trevor went to have his PICC line removed to come home. He passed away November 29, 2017. Trevor and I made promises to each other and being of service to others is one of them. I want to honor and live out this promise. He may not be here physically, but I know he is guiding me with this service because we always said we had each other’s back forever, he’s my guardian angel.

If interested in donating money you can send to Central Bank Illinois, 101 N State St. Geneseo, IL 61254 addressing to Guardian Angels Fund.  Awareness of the Guardian Angels fund is crucial since it is supported by donations only.

Book Fair

With the money donated children can purchase a book or two of their choice.


GOAL : 1000 $

RAISED : 0 $


Winter Attire

Donations will be used for snow boots, mittens, snow pants and snow boots.


GOAL : 1000 $

RAISED : 0 $


Classroom Snacks

For children in need of sharing snacks for a classroom celebration for their birthday or exchanging valentines’ gifts with their classmates. Money will also be used for extracurricular activities and purchasing of instruments.


GOAL : 500 $

RAISED : 0 $


Student Vehicle Repair

Money will go towards car repairs.


GOAL : 1000 $

RAISED : 0 $



Toiletries, glasses and clothing. 


GOAL : 500 $

RAISED : 0 $


Trev's Story

What is DADA2?

DADA2 is a recessive genetic condition that causes mutations in the CECR1 gene preventing it from correctly encoding the enzyme Adenosine Deaminase 2 (ADA2).

Why is ADA2 Critical?

The enzyme ADA2 is responsible for stabilizing the lining of our blood vessels. Without it, the body attacks its own healthy cells, which in turn leads to inflammation, immune deficiency, organ damage, and the destruction of bone marrow.

How is it Treated?

Today, there is no enzyme replacement therapy available for ADA2 deficiency, and because little is known about the disease there are relatively few treatments available. Symptoms can be controlled by TNF inhibitors such as Enbrel and Humira which have proved to be successful in the prevention of strokes. A few patients have been successfully treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (a type of bone marrow transplant).

New Hospital

25 May